
Guardianship & Conservatorship Attorneys Serving Redford, & Southeastern Michigan

guardianship & conservatorship attorney redford michigan

When you need to obtain a Guardianship or Conservatorship for someone, you have to go through the probate court system to obtain that Guardianship and/or Conservatorship. This happens when parents are unable to care for a minor child or when an adult becomes mentally or physically incapacitated and cannot take proper care of themselves.

Legal Guardianship Lawyer Serving Livonia & Southeastern Michigan

The probate court appoints a Guardian to make decisions for the individual’s care. A probate court appoints a guardian, when a person is not cable of caring for themselves, such as a small child or an adult who is mentally ill. When attempting to obtain legal guardianship over a small child or adult, it is important to have an attorney who has been working in and with the probate court for over 30 years.

In those 30 years, our guardianship lawyers have seen all kinds of guardianship cases, from abusive families to a person developing schizophrenia late in life. Regardless of your guardianship needs, our attorneys can help you move through the process of attaining guardianship quickly, and as painlessly as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact our legal guardianship & conservatorship attorneys for more information 

Adult Conservatorship Lawyer Serving Redford, Livonia & Southeastern Michigan

The probate court appoints a Conservator, if necessary, to handle that person’s financial affairs. A conservator is appointed, if a minor runs into a large sum of money, and or if an adult who is mentally ill or otherwise incompetent, cannot handle their finances.

Obtaining conservatorship and gaining the power to control another’s financial affairs are not simple tasks. Our conservator attorneys can help you navigate through the system to appoint you, or someone who meets with your approval, quickly and smoothly for your benefit.

Our attorneys are knowledgeable and committed to helping you get through this difficult time, if you have any questions, give us a call. We’ll be more than happy to talk to you.

If you have any conservatorship questions, call our guardianship & conservatorship attorneys for a free initial consultation! 

Guardianship and Conservatorship Frequently asked Questions

What are Guardianship and Conservatorship?

A Guardianship grants you authority over another person with regard to their welfare. Once you are appointed Guardian, you then have the authority to make medical decisions, education decisions and living arrangement decisions for that person. Guardianships are generally sought for minor children when a competent parent is not available to care for them, and for an adult when that adult is not able to make such decisions for himself due to disability or illness.

A Conservatorship grants you authority over an individual’s financial affairs when that person is not competent to handle these matters on their own.

How Long Do These Proceedings Take in Michigan?

You can be appointed in anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks. The Guardianship and/or Conservatorship remains under court supervision until it terminates.

What are The Duties of a Guardian and Conservator?

A Guardian and/or Conservator must act in the best interests of the person for whom they are acting. They also are required to file annual reports and accounts with the Probate Court.

What is the Cost for Obtaining a Guardianship or Conservatorship Lawyer?

The attorney cost for filing a Guardianship or Conservatorship will generally be less than $1,000.00. In addition, the Court charges filling fees and other costs. Whether or not it is more than that will be affected by whether it is contested or uncontested.

Experience Matters!
Our attorneys have over 80+ years of combined legal experience. In that time they have helped countless people with their legal issues. Put that experience to work for you today!

John Keenan – Attorney at Law

John Keenan- Redford Michigan Probate Estate Planning Attorney

Jan Keenan – Attorney at Law

Jan Keenan Redford Michigan Attorney at Law

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    Livonia & Redford Michigan Attorneys Keenan & Austin P.C.

    If you have any questions about getting a guardianship, or conservatorship in Michigan, please contact our attorneys at your earliest convenience either by phone, by email, or by using the form on this website. Thanks for visiting! We hope to talk to you soon.